Image illustrative de My Babysitter's a Vampire
Image illustrative de My Babysitter's a Vampire

My Babysitter's a Vampire

Ma Baby-sitter est un vampire

Les parents d’Ethan, 14 ans, embauchent une baby-sitter car celui-ci est incapable de s’occuper de sa jeune soeur. Il va vite découvrir que cette si jolie lycéenne n’est autre qu’un vampire. Il entraine Benny et Rory, ses amis, dans une drôle de mission : attraper l’ex-petit ami de Sarah avant qu’il ne ...

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Terminée Canadienne 30 minutes
Enfants, Action, Comedy, Fantasy Teletoon, Canal J, Disney Channel 2010

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 2.01 - Le retour des mordus

Welcome Back Dusker

Sarah is back after saving Ethan from becoming a vampire and she has finally accepted that she is a vampire but she is very different. Meanwhile, there is a green mist that appears to be going around killing vampires, but unfortunately Ethan is the one being blamed for the killings. So the head of the vampire council (Addison Holley) threatens Sarah, either she has to take the punishment or Ethan does, in the meantime Ethan, Benny, and Rory are trying to figure out how to get rid of the green mist and luckily they find a way. So they all race to where the council is taking place and contain the green mist, which was inside a rescued Ethan. So the counsel is pleased and they all get to leave without any problems. The ending scene is Sarah babysitting Ethan and Jane, while Ethan questions the identity of the person who conjured the mist. Meanwhile, with the vampire council in after Sarah and Ethan, Erica abducts her favorite "Dusk" actor, Dirk Baddison (Jamie Johnston), who is very confused by it all

Diffusion originale : 29 juin 2012

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Diffusion française : 29 juin 2012
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